The Palestinian Minister of Social Affairs, Dr. Mahmud Al-Habbash, visited Wednesday, June 11, the threatened orphanages in Hebron. Al-Habbash met with ICS seniors and had a briefing on the work of the Charity. He also visited the Hebron Boys' Orphanage and paid tribute to the high services and well organized facilities.

Dr. Al-Habbash said that the Palestinian President, Mr. Mahmud Abbas is highly interested in this problem. ''He keeps asking Mr. Fayyad about the Charities in Hebron,"said Dr. Al-Habbash.

The Minister said that the Palestinian Cabinet has formed a special committee to follow up with the Israeli measures against Islamic Charities.'' The Cabinet decided that the Minsters of Justice, Civil affairs and Social Affairs will be part of this committee,''added the minister.

''We don't work for Israel. This is against all the agreements between the PA and them. It is a violation of all Human Rights Agreements. We have informed all internationals about these illegal actions,'' Dr. Al-Habbash continues.

''The Islamic Charitable society is one of the biggest charities in Palestine. We have always supported it and we will never stop. If we had found something wrong in its work, we would have closed it years ago. The Israelis have no right to do that. The islamic charity needs to be thanked for the work it has been doing and we will encourage and support ,by all means, the work of this charity.''